You CAN Get Into Your Top Law School

Start with my FREE training.

It’ll walk you through the exact steps to stand out and get admitted to your dream law school…even if you don’t have the perfect GPA, highest LSAT score, or most unique story.

You CAN Get Into Your Top Law School

Start with my FREE training.

It’ll walk you through the exact steps to stand out and get admitted to your dream law school…even if you don’t have the perfect GPA, highest LSAT score, or most unique story.

Despite not having the perfect GPA, the highest LSAT or an out-of-this-world story, our clients land at their dream law schools such as:

I believe that everyone (yes including you!) can put together a powerful application that stands out, even if…

Because I’m here to help you show your dream law school that you are so much more than that.

An Ivy League-trained lawyer turned law school admissions coach, I help law school applicants with big dreams stand out and get admitted to their top schools.

With my customized coaching and proven strategies, I’ll guide you through acing one of the most stressful stages of your life.

Together, we’ll put together a law school application that speaks directly to what admissions officers are looking for so that you can get into your dream law school, and ultimately have your dream career.


You CAN get into your dream law school

“I got multiple very large scholarships I never would have thought possible…”
“The Dean of the Law School told me that my personal statement was one of the strongest he’s read in a really really long time, and asked what he could do to make sure I was at the school next year.”
“My number one choice has always been Columbia and that’s the school I got into and am going to!”
“I had major peace of mind working with you. I didn’t have to think about anything because I always knew I could just text or email you…Anytime I was stressed, my husband would go ‘just text her!’ and I’d be like ‘oh right!”

How to Stand Out & Get Admitted to the Law School of Your Dreams


How to kickstart your personal statement and get into your dream law school

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