Are you getting ready to take the LSAT or anxiously awaiting your results?
If so, you’ve probably wondered: What is a good LSAT score?
Then you’re in the right place.
Ready? Let’s go!
What is a good LSAT score in 2025?
Before we get into scores, let’s take a look at some of the statistics surrounding LSAT scores:
- LSAT scores range from 120 to 180
- First-time LSAT test-takers score an average of 151 out of 180
- The median LSAT score of first-year JD students is 158.5
- Among first-year JD students, 160.9 is considered a high score (75th percentile), and 154.8 is considered a low score (25th percentile)
- Students who want to attend a top 10 law school should aim to score at least 170, but 150 will get you into most law school programs
LSAT takers can score anywhere from 120 to 180.
With that big of a range, what kind of score should you aim for?
Realistically, you should try to get a score of at least 150. That’s the score that will get you into any accredited law school.
But if your dream school is among the best in America, you should aim higher.
To get into any of the top 25 law schools in America, you need to score at least 160.
And if you want to attend a top 10 law school, you should try to score even higher – at least 170.
If you’re taking the LSAT for the first time, you might be wondering how your score will compare to others.
Keep reading to find out.
What is the average LSAT score for first-time takers?
According to the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), first-time LSAT takers score an average of 151.
Of course, if you’re unhappy with your LSAT score, you can always take it again.
Just remember that you’re limited to taking it three times in a single testing year (August to June) and five times in the past five years.
In total, you can take the LSAT seven times in your lifetime.
But is taking it again really worth it? Contrary to popular belief, doing so won’t always help.
Remember, first-time test takers score 151.
People who take the LSAT for a second time score an average of 151.7, which is a slight increase.
And while you might think that taking it for a third time would increase your score, that’s not always true.
In fact, people who take the LSAT for a third time earn the lowest scores.
That’s why I always tell my clients to really consider if retaking it is right for them. After all, your score isn’t going to make or break your chances of acceptance, but we’ll talk about that a bit later.
Let’s move on to the LSAT score you need to get accepted into your dream law school.
What LSAT score do you need for law school?
According to the American Bar Association (ABA), the median LSAT score of full-time first-year JD students in the fall of 2022 was 158.5.
The 75th percentile score was 160.9, and the 25th percentile score was 154.8.
That’s not to say that you won’t get into the program of your choice with a lower score. An LSAT score of 150 will typically earn you admission into any accredited JD program.
You just need to have the right kind of application.
Now that we’ve discussed the median LSAT score, let’s move on to the highest scores.
What is the highest LSAT score?
LSAT scores can range anywhere from 120 to 180.
Getting a perfect 180 on the LSAT is practically unheard of. In fact, just 0.1% of test-takers have achieved it.
A 170 is considered a great score, as it would mean you got at least 90 of the 101 questions on the test right.
Doing so would put you in the top 2-3% of test takers, meaning you would get into most law schools.
With that in mind, let’s discuss the kind of LSAT scores you would need to be accepted into the top 10 law schools in the country.
What LSAT score do you need for the top 10 law schools?
If you want to attend one of the top 10 law schools in the country, you should aim for an LSAT score of 170 or higher.
Here’s a quick look at the low, median, and high LSAT scores at each school.
Stanford University
Low LSAT: 170
Median LSAT: 173
High LSAT: 176
Yale University
Low LSAT: 171
Median LSAT: 175
High LSAT: 178
University of Chicago
Low LSAT: 169
Median LSAT: 173
High LSAT: 175
University of Pennsylvania (Carey)
Low LSAT: 167
Median LSAT: 172
High LSAT: 173
Duke University
Low LSAT: 168
Median LSAT: 170
High LSAT: 171
Harvard University
Low LSAT: 170
Median LSAT: 174
High LSAT: 176
New York University
Low LSAT: 169
Median LSAT: 172
High LSAT: 174
Columbia University
Low LSAT: 171
Median LSAT: 173
High LSAT: 175
University of Virginia
Low LSAT: 166
Median LSAT: 171
High LSAT: 173
Northwestern University (Pritzker)
Low LSAT: 166
Median LSAT: 171
High LSAT: 172
As you can see, each of these schools has a median LSAT score of 170 or higher.
But even with a lower score, you can still get in.
Keep reading to learn how.
How important are LSAT scores for law school admissions?
It’s true that a higher score will increase your chances of acceptance into the law school of your choice.
Typically, a score that falls within the 150 range is considered average. While it will get you accepted into most law schools, it could make it difficult to stand out.
A score of at least 160 is considered strong, and most law schools have median scores within this range. However, keep in mind that scholarships may require higher scores.
Last but not least, a score of 170 or more puts you comfortably among the top 2-3% of test-takers and will certainly get the attention of some of the best law schools in the country.
But I want to let you in on a secret: Your admission doesn’t hinge solely on your LSAT score.
Your undergraduate GPA also plays a part in it.
According to the ABA, the average GPA among admitted law school students is around 3.6. But just like LSAT scores, that average varies across schools.
Among students who get into top-tier law schools like the ones mentioned earlier, the average GPA is 3.8 or higher.
While both your GPA and LSAT scores are important factors in determining how successful you would be as a law school student, schools tend to weigh the LSAT more heavily.
But even if you score a couple of points lower than the median LSAT score or GPA at your number one school of choice, don’t let it keep you from applying.
The law school admission process is a holistic one, which means that they’ll look at more than just your score.
It all comes down to being able to prove you have what it takes to succeed as a law student in your application. With the right strategy, application elements like your personal statement, diversity statement, and letters of recommendation will help you stand out.
Now that we’ve touched on average LSAT scores and the kind of scores needed for top schools, let’s move on to the three different types of LSAT scores.
How does LSAT work?
When talking about LSAT scores, most people only talk about the numbers, like 150, 170, or 180.
But there are actually three types of LSAT scores you should be aware of.
The first is called the raw score. Your raw score reflects the number of questions you answered correctly on the test.
For instance, if an LSAT was made up of 100 questions and you got 85 correct, you would score an 85.
The second type of score is a scaled score, which is the kind of score you’re probably most familiar with. That’s the kind of score that reads 150, 170, or 180.
A scaled score is what you get when you convert your raw score into an LSAT score based on the Score Conversion Chart. In this chart, scores range from 120 to 180.
Finally, there’s a percentile score, which shows how well you tested compared to others who have taken the LSAT over the last three years.
Next steps
There you have it! Everything you need to know about what makes for a good LSAT score.
Don’t let the pressure of a high LSAT score keep you from trying.
After all, even if you don’t score as high as your dream school’s median, you can still get in with the right kind of application strategy.
Don’t believe me?
I’ve worked with several students who have scored well beneath the median and still gone on to receive admission letters.
If you want to make sure you’re a top candidate, sign up for my on-demand workshop today. I’ll let you in on exactly what it takes to stand out and get accepted.
Read more:
LSAT Anxiety: Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Score
Can You Get Into Law School With a Low LSAT Score?