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How to Improve Your LSAT Score (Top Tips)

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If you’re reading this, you probably didn’t get the score you were hoping for on your LSAT.

Don’t worry.

Today, I’ll give you my best tips and tricks on how to improve your LSAT score.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

How can you increase your LSAT score? 

The most important part about knowing how to increase your LSAT score is making sure you really understand the LSAT.

The LSAT has three scored sections: two Logical Reasoning sections and one Reading Comprehension section.

Are you thinking, “Wait, what about the logic games?”

Well, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) has decided to replace the logic games section with an extra Logical Reasoning section starting in August of this year.

So, if you take the LSAT before August, you’ll have a Reading Comprehension, Logic Games, and Logical Reasoning section.

If you take it in or after August, you’ll have two Logical Reasoning sections and one Reading Comprehension section.

Both versions will also have unscored Experimental and Writing sections.

To learn more about the sections, check out the LSAC’s guide.

When thinking about how to improve your LSAT score, it’s important to focus on improving the skills that the Logical Reasoning questions are designed to evaluate.

According to the LSAC, those skills are:

  • Recognizing the parts of an argument and their relationships
  • Recognizing similarities and differences between patterns of reasoning
  • Drawing well-supported conclusions
  • Reasoning by analogy
  • Recognizing misunderstandings or points of disagreement
  • Determining how additional evidence affects an argument
  • Detecting assumptions made by particular arguments
  • Identifying and applying principles or rules
  • Identifying flaws in arguments
  • Identifying explanations

Put simply, the questions give law schools a clear view of how well you can analyze, understand, and evaluate an argument.

Part of knowing how to improve your LSAT score is knowing what you need to improve, and taking a diagnostic test is a great way to do it.

But diagnostic tests aren’t the only key to knowing how to improve your LSAT score.

I’ll give you more tips in the next section, so keep reading!

General tips

I get it. The LSAT is hard.

The average score among first-time test takers is 151 (you can learn about 2024 LSAT scores in this guide).

And if you didn’t get the score you hoped for the first time, you’re not alone.

Remember, retaking the LSAT is always an option to an extent – I’ll tell you more here

But figuring out how to improve your LSAT score can feel overwhelming. 

At the end of the day, it’s all about taking a strategic, consistent approach. 

And that starts at the very beginning – with how you practice for the test.

Practice regularly and systematically

As you prepare to retake the LSAT, it’s a good idea to create a study schedule. 

For some, that might mean treating it like a full-time job. Others might have commitments like a full-time job or family to work around – create something that works for you.

Whatever you do, don’t try to cram for the test. Trying to learn it all in a few weeks is not how to improve your LSAT score.

Instead, stick to a schedule and practice consistently in the months leading up to the test.

When considering how often and for how long to study, a good rule of thumb is to practice at least three or four times a week for two to three hours at a time.

I know that seems like a lot, but the truth is that you won’t see much change if you don’t dedicate yourself.

But your schedule depends on your situation and how soon you’re taking the test.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how much time you should plan to study, depending on when your test is:

  • 2 months: 8+ hours per day (40+ hours per week)
  • 3 months: 7+ hours per day (35+ hours per week)
  • 4 months: 5+ hours per day (25+ hours per week)
  • 5 months: 4+ hours per day (20+ hours per week)
  • 6 months: 2+ hours per day (10+ hours per week)

Knowing how to improve your LSAT score isn’t just about spending enough time studying.

It’s about knowing what to study.

Practice LSAT questions are a great place to start. The LSAC has free practice questions available on its website:

In addition to practice questions, prep books will help you learn how to improve your LSAT score.

Many include official LSAT practice questions, tests, and even expert advice for improving your LSAT score.

Here are a few to get you started:

Finally, prep courses are always available.

They’re great because they offer expert guidance in a structured learning environment, personalized study plans, access to resources, and simulated practice exams.

Some even guarantee a specific score improvement!

But keep in mind that they’re often less budget-friendly than practice questions or prep books.

These are some of the most reliable:

Manage your time 

On average, the LSAT takes three hours to finish.

I know that sounds like a lot of time, but you only have 35 minutes to complete each section.

And when every question demands your undivided attention, thoughtful analysis, and strategic decision-making, those 35 minutes feel more like seconds.

The LSAT isn’t just about racing the clock – it’s about proving that you can work efficiently, effectively, and accurately within tight time limits. 

So improving your timing for each section is crucial.

Doing so will be important on test day – you’ll know how to allocate your time more effectively based on your strengths and weaknesses, the type of questions, and the difficulty level. 

I always recommend taking both timed and untimed practice exams to learn to better manage your time.

It’s best to start by taking untimed exams.

Untimed practice exams will show you exactly how to improve your LSAT time management by allowing you to familiarize yourself with the test.

You’ll be able to identify your weaknesses, explore sections and concepts, and find better ways to approach the questions without the pressure of a time limit.

They also allow for a smoother transition to taking a timed practice test – which is just as important in learning how to improve your LSAT score.

Practicing within the time constraints of the actual test will help you figure out what works best for you when it comes to pacing and question prioritization.

They can also be used as a benchmark for progress and to determine your strengths and weaknesses.

And because timed practice tests offer a more realistic experience, you’ll know exactly what to expect on exam day and have the endurance you’ll need to succeed.

And, most importantly, they’re a great way to help ease LSAT anxiety, which I talk more about in this guide.

Focus on your weaknesses

When you prepare for the LSAT, your weaknesses are just as important as your strengths.


Because understanding your weaknesses helps you know where to focus your efforts while studying.

But you can only find your weaknesses if you take the time to thoroughly review and analyze your results after every practice test.

Remember, it’s about more than just the questions you got wrong.

You have to understand why you got them wrong – that’s how you’ll identify your real weaknesses and areas for improvement.

Don’t forget to think about the questions you got right. You can even find weaknesses in those, too.

If you took three minutes or longer to come up with an answer, there’s a weakness to identify there. 

After all, the clock is ticking – and you can really only afford up to two minutes per question.

Finally, track all of your mistakes! Whether it’s on a computer or in a notebook, seeing them all in one place will help you identify patterns.

But even as you focus on your weaknesses, remember that your strengths matter, too. 

Find ways to maintain those strengths and even brush up on them – after all, there’s always room for improvement.

Develop reading comprehension

Believe it or not, learning to become a better reader is essential to improving your LSAT score.

On the day of the test, you’ll be asked to read what the LSAC calls a “densely written” passage drawn from a “wide range of subjects.”

And in just 35 minutes, you’ll need to read the passage and answer questions related to things like:

  • The primary idea
  • Explicitly stated or inferred ideas or information
  • Organization
  • Analogies to claims or arguments
  • The author’s attitude

It seems like a lot… and it is.

That’s why brushing up on your reading comprehension skills is so important. 

Learning to separate the big picture from the specifics is your first step.

Focus on the main ideas and arguments the author is making, but be sure to distinguish fact from opinion.

Look for transitions like “however” or “because” — they illustrate the author’s reasoning and connections between ideas.

As you read, don’t hesitate to underline key points and arguments to help you absorb the passage even more. 

After you’ve completed a practice test, analyze your results carefully. What did you do right? What needs to be improved?

Knowing what trips you up will help you learn to choose the most accurate answers moving forward. 

Of course, your approach to how to improve your LSAT score depends on how well you’ve mastered each section. 

I’ll show you exactly how to master games, reasoning, and comprehension next, so keep reading!

Logic Games

Mastering the logic games on the LSAT takes dedication and practice, but it’s definitely achievable.

There are a few steps you can take.

First, identify the type of game. Is it sequencing (putting variables in order), selection (putting variables into groups), or matching (matching variables)?

Once you know the kind of game you’re working with, draw a comprehensive diagram of all the information you know to be true.

Having this kind of visual representation will help you organize information and identify logical deductions more quickly.

Different types of logic games will have unique setups, but most involve a series of slots for each variable, which will be arranged or grouped. 

As you draw your diagram, come up with symbols to represent each variable and any rules that can be incorporated. 

So you don’t lose track, put the rules that can’t be integrated into a column next to the diagram.

From there, find deductions, come up with ways to link rules and make new ones, and look for alternate options. 

Whatever you do, don’t make illogical assumptions!

Logical Reasoning

Mastering logical reasoning is a key part of knowing how to improve your LSAT score.

Before you do anything else, you have to identify the kind of question you’re working with.

The LSAT has several types of logical reasoning questions, but the most common are assumption, strengthening or weakening, flaw, and inference.

Regardless of the type of question you get, you have to be able to identify the three key parts of it: the conclusion, claim, and evidence.

You’ll do this by looking for certain LSAT buzzwords, like “few,” “some,” or “except.” 

Even when they seem inconsequential, words like these can play a big role in helping you identify the correct evidence and answer.

And remember! The conclusion won’t always be at the end of the question – look for keywords like “therefore” or “consequently.”

Don’t be afraid to write or draw in the margins of the question. Take notes, circle important words, underline passages – anything you need to do to get to the core of the argument.

Reading Comprehension

To master reading comprehension, you have to become what’s called an active reader.

Instead of just skimming the passage, an active reader takes notes, underlines critical points, and summarizes each paragraph’s main idea in their own words.

These things work together to help you strengthen your understanding and memory.

As you learn to master reading comprehension, don’t just stick to the material you find in your practice tests or prep books.

Instead, diversify your reading material and choose what you find to be challenging.

It might be scientific journals, in-depth news articles, or even philosophy texts – there’s no wrong material!

The more you expose yourself to different writing styles, the more prepared you’ll be for whatever the Reading Comprehension section throws your way on test day.

Regardless of the skill you set out to master, it’s important to keep practicing until it becomes routine. Remember, practice makes perfect.

So, how much can you really expect to improve your score? I’ll tell you next.

How much can you realistically improve your LSAT score? 

While there’s no real average for how much you can improve your score, most people can increase their score by 10 to 20 points.

But the truth is that it depends on where you’re starting.

For example, if you score 150 or lower, you’ll probably be able to improve your score by much more than you would have if you’d scored 165.

Next steps

There you have it! Everything you need to know about how to improve your LSAT score.

Even though it might seem impossible right now, I promise you can figure out exactly how to improve your LSAT score with dedication and the right type of practice.

Even if you don’t reach your target score, you can still get into your dream school.

I’ve helped dozens of students do it and can help you, too.

Sign up to work with me here.

Read more:

What Law School Can You Get Into?

The Top Law School Admission Statistics

How to Get Into Yale Law School


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Mara has helped countless law school applicants get into their dream law schools, even without a perfect GPA, the highest LSAT score, or most unique story. Mara used to be a litigator at one of the top law firms in the world and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School as a prestigious Toll Public Interest Scholar.

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