How Many Times Can You Take the LSAT? Does Retaking Hurt You?

March scores just came out and like flowers in Spring, I always know I’ll get an influx of questions about retaking the LSAT: how many times can you take the LSAT, is it worth taking the LSAT twice, does retaking the LSAT hurt you, or what happens if you retake the LSAT and get a […]

How to Get Off Law School Waitlists & Sample Letters of Continued Interest

“The Year of the Waitlists” is what I have deemed this and last law school admissions cycle.  With so many more applicants applying to law school, and with some law schools getting burned by overenrolling too many students, law schools’ calculations about how many students to accept has been entirely thrown off.    Law schools are responding to this […]

2024 Law School Deposit Deadlines

Remember my last post where I deemed this cycle Year of the Waitlists? I’m guessing you’re here because you’re one of the many MANY lucky ones who are on multiple waitlists. Wouldn’t it be nice if they just pulled the band-aid off already? But maybe, just maybe, you may be the lucky one who gets […]

Reapplying to Law School: Is it worth it?

You’re probably here because you’re not entirely happy with your law school choices at the moment.  Maybe you got rejected from every law school; or maybe you just got rejected from your number one school, but have other options; maybe you just got a bunch of waitlists and know you’re not getting any scholarship money […]

Who to Ask for Law School Letters of Recommendation…and how important are they really?

If you’ve been wondering who to ask for law school letters of recommendation, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to go over all the requirements and strategic decisions you should consider when deciding who are the best recommenders to choose. For many applicants, figuring out law school letters of recommendations is a stressful […]

LSAT Anxiety: tips and tricks to immediately boost your score.

Taking the LSAT (or GRE or any standardized test) can be a very stressful and anxiety-inducing event. It is the moment of performance where you finally confront the exam on the exam’s terms.  No longer are you in your most comfortable surroundings, in your pajamas, with a nice cup of coffee next to you. Instead, […]

How to Write a Successful Law School Resume (+Examples)

How do you write a law school resume?  That’s what you’ll learn today. After all, a law school resume is one of the most underestimated and underused aspects of law school applications.  Want to learn more? Read on! What is a law school resume?  Your law school resume lists sections that cover your education, legal […]

Top Law School Personal Statement Topics + Ideas (2024 Guide)

How do you choose a law school personal statement topic?  You’re in the right place. Today, you’ll learn how to pick the perfect topic that makes your topic stand out.  Want to learn more? Read on! Key takeaways:  In this article, you’ll learn:  With that, let’s dive right in.  Why is your law school personal […]

Law School Personal Statement Topics to Avoid

The topic you choose for your law school personal statement matters. It matters because it is the anchor through which you show admissions officers who you are, what you’ve done, and most importantly, how you think.  If you haven’t already, check out this blog post on how to choose a law school personal statement topic where I […]

How to Stand Out & Get Admitted to the Law School of Your Dreams


How to kickstart your personal statement and get into your dream law school

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